3 Simple Ways to Balance Your Root Chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of spine, in your tailbone area. It is associated with the color red and corresponds to the Earth element. No surprise, since nurturing this chakra is all about grounding exercises that make you feel confident and secure on your own two feet. Practices like walking barefoot outdoors, doing foundational yoga poses like malasana (garland pose) or mountain pose, and any of the balancing exercises below can help you balance out your root chakra as needed.

Signs of root chakra imbalance:

  • You are controlling

  • You get angry quickly

  • You lack drive or motivation

  • You feel self-conscious and insecure around others

  • You are tired or lethargic

How to balance the root chakra:

Visualize the color red

Start with the simple meditation of imaging a bright red light at the base of your tailbone. Picture this red light extending down your legs and feet, grounding you to the earth to begin the process of root chakra cleansing and balancing.

Take a shower

Talk about a wonderful, underrated root chakra cleanser. We are physical animals in addition to being intelligent, thoughtful human beings. Embrace and love your physicality by being completely present as you bathe. Engage your mindful awarenessto feel the water dripping down your body and the strength from your legs.

Say a positive affirmation

Saying affirmations can help you stay positive and affirm that you are on the right path. A wonderful affirmation for the root chakra is: I am filled with humility. I am enough as I am. Start your day by saying this affirmation three times, out loud or to yourself. Or, write it down on a sticky note where you will see it often and remind yourself of your solid foundation.

If you are in the Orange County area and are interested in a chakra balancing session you won’t forget, feel free to visit Psychic Paula at the OC Crystal Cave at 24501 Marguerite Parkway, Suite 5 in Mission Viejo. Proudly providing psychic readings in Lake Forest, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Hills, and surrounding areas in Orange County, CA. You can also reach Paula by phone at 949-485-0095 to make an appointment or send her an email.

The root chakra corresponds with our core needs, and it's the energy center that sets the stage for the rest of our chakra healing. Try these 3 ideas for tending to your root chakra through dance, meditation, affirmations, and more, and you'll be ready to move on up to the sacral chakra in no time.


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